Withdrawal policies, notices and procedures
It is our policy to respond promptly to appropriate notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) (text available on the website of United States Copyright Office, http: // www copyrights.gov).
It is expected that all users of any part of ioGround.space will comply with applicable copyright laws. However, if we receive the appropriate notice of alleged copyright infringement, our response to such notices will include removing or disabling access to material purposes that is topic of counterfeit activity and / or termination of contributors, whether or not we are responsible for this violation. according to U.S. law or the laws of other jurisdictions.
If we remove or disable access in response to such notice, we will endeavor to contact the relevant content creator so that he may issue a counter notification in accordance with 512. ) (2) and (3)). ) of the DMCA. We may also record notices of suspected violations with which we act.
EXCELLENT NOTICE: File a DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice
Upon receipt of the correct notification of the alleged violation, ioGround.space will follow the procedures described in this document and in the DMCA.
To file a violation notice with ioGround.space, you must provide a written notice (by email, fax and mail) indicating the information specified in the list below.
Please note that you will be liable for damages (including attorneys' fees and costs) if you materially say that the material infringes your copyright. Therefore, if you are not sure whether you are the proper copyright owner or if copyright law protects your material, you can seek legal advice.
To speed up our ability to process requests, please use the following format (including section numbers):
Your contact details, including your name, address, telephone number and, if available, an e-mail address at which you, as the complainant, can be contacted;
Declaration: Advertising I am the owner of the copyright or the agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner On behalf of the following material protected by copyright: Truc;
Identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted material that you believe has been infringed. (For example, the problematic image protected by copyright is an online content title, which can be described as Description: literary works, images, etc., by the name of the author, including any information federal registration information if applicable);
Identify material allegedly counterfeit or subject to counterfeiting activity and will be deleted or access the deactivated material and sufficient information to allow ioGround.space to locate the material (for example, the title of the article in this location: ioGround.space/link-to-article/);
The following statement: Advertising I firmly believe that use of said material in a manner that is claimed is not authorized by the copyright owner, agent or the law;
Statement: Zhao I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in the notice is accurate; and
Sign the document.
Send written notice (by email, fax or mail) Our designated copyright agent to receive the DMCA notice:
5 Dong Quang, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen Province , Viet Nam
Counter Notification
5 Dong Quang, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen Province , Viet Nam